Tumblr’s abuse reporting system terminates the accounts of the victims

2021-03-12 Comments off

in sum: Tumblr’s content violation/abuse reporting system is terminating YOUR account if you report that someone is harassing you, because the system now erroneously tags your account as the origination of the abuse. It will terminate the account of the victim if you report it happening to someone else, for the same reason.

[Last update: 28 March 2021]

Tumblr is a crappy website that barely functions. This is known. But it was my crappy website, where I kept a diary of this foul existence I call a life, and that data is now necessary for the federal investigations into the abuse I’ve suffered. Unfortunately, I was harassed by pedophiles, whom I reported. Tumblr did indeed agree they were pedophiles and were violating even THEIR notoriously lax community guidelines on hate speech. I received three emails about content that was removed from my blog, which I had at first read as “yes, we agree these messages you received are pedophiles and that they need to be banned, thank you for reporting”. Nothing more to it, right? Finally, justice is served, if only in small ways.

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Protected: Collected Works

2020-11-21 Comments off

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Measuring Emotions

2016-11-21 Comments off

The classic way to think about emotions is to ask things like whether you feel happy or sad, whether you’re anxious or excited, in awe or disappointed. But these reduce the complexity of how we experience emotion.

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2016-11-21 Comments off

Do you know what love looks like? I do.

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2016-01-08 Comments off

[somewhat updated oct 4 2020]

On top of everything else, it appears that the first thing my asshole parents did when I was born was buy a defect policy. There’s four life insurance policies on me–no, I’m not the beneficiary–and not one of them carries a disability policy. The only caveat for disability is that if I become disabled, they don’t have to pay the monthly rates (premiums) on the policy any more.

Now, you can read that as them being magnanimous and stating they’ll provide for me should I become disabled, and that’s probably how it was originally intended. Nobody wants to think they’ll be the kind of assholes who laugh as their kid dies in front of them.

But that’s not how it has played out. You see, I only found out about these things because my fuckass family forced me to apply for the disability waiver that refunds their monthly premiums from the date I’m disabled, the one that means they no longer have to pay the premiums. I was forced to apply for this on their behalf, on pain of eviction and physical harm to myself and my service dog. They have never believed that I’m disabled.

life waiver black

That’s the letter from their insurer stating that I am in fact totally disabled. Not temporarily, not partially, not just from my own field–totally and completely disabled, can’t do any kind of work at all.

But they still claim I’m still a greedy lying whore.

The date on that letter is August 18, 2015. The date of this audio is October 8, 2015.

Their claim is that I’m lying about being disabled, that I’m in love with my victimhood. According to that logic, I’m not at all celiac, I’m just in love with being victimized and so make myself throw up and get diarrhea in order to gain sympathy and blame other people for my ruining my life and my clearly malicious desire to not go out to eat and make things hard for everyone else. Delusions, you see, because it doesn’t matter what medical treatment exists, doesn’t matter what the facts are, doesn’t matter that my parents deliberately poisoned me my whole life, doesn’t matter what fevers I had or anything else. Their logic is that I was never sick at all, that I always made it up, because I’m a malicious greedy whore with no regard for other people. This is years before I found out that they did not take me to the doctor as an infant despite two solid years of organ-destroying pain, vomiting, fevers and diarrhea….exactly because they claimed that I, as an infant, was doing it to myself in order to manipulate and control them. They were forced to go to a specialist to get me diagnosed when I was 2.5yrs because I was not growing due to deathly malnutrition. Did they stop their bullshit? Hahahahha clearly not, as you hear today. My suffering and death, their pleasure in cruelty, is the only thing they care about in relation to me. It’s the only thing they’ve ever cared about for all three of us. Cruelty is the singularly most important value of having kids.

“Malicious greedy whore with no regard for other people”, exactly like my parents–invent reasons to inflict cruelty, trade sex for hoarding the house out, their treatment of everyone. Everything they say is a projection of themselves, always has been. Everything they accuse me of is a projection from their precious infantilized manchild of a son, who actually does just ruin everything deliberately and cause massive damage to the house and has no regard for other people–again, exactly like our parents. Funny how they object to other people acting like they do, and yet don’t see anything wrong when that behavior is aimed at everyone else. My brother harasses my dog? Nope nothing wrong. My brother does the same shit to my mother, in her face for twenty minutes? Oh no, apocalypse, WWIII, he’s absolutely out of control and raving to kill everyone, needs to be shot and committed, intolerable!

Except my brother isn’t at fault for what these pigs’ abuse has done to him and the few ways he can cope with it. None of us, as kids living like this, are at fault for trying to live with what we didn’t understand was deliberate sabotage and picking fights and playing us off against each other.

Such is the logic of selfish pigs so narcissistic they can’t even notice their own inability to reflect on their own behavior, other than superficially knowing they need to deny it because they do grasp it’s horrific. They just think they should be able to do it anyway. That’s the classic definition of entitlement: you deny other people the same things you think you have a right to.

Thus, they’re not above committing fraud. They don’t believe I have PTSD, they don’t believe that I am disabled, and yet they put through that premium claim you see above.

“But they called that nasty crisis hotline and tried to commit you!” Not because they believe me. Not because they want to help me.  You do not call hateful people or take the advice of hateful, abusive people because you want to HELP your victim; you do it because cruelty is your aim. They called that line because they learned the word “delusional”, courtesy of CMU, and have been claiming that’s what’s wrong with me ever since they found out I’ve been documenting their abuse–courtesy CMU. Because they’ve learned they can call me delusional, and that word means they’re right, that people will believe their claims that I’m a heartless lying whore, making things up for attention, making their lives hell with my allegations of their abuse. They’ve learned that if they call me that, if they get people to believe that–as CMU has told them–then nobody will believe me, they’ll get their way, my autonomy will be stripped from me, and they’ll be able to subject me to whatever drugs, doctors, and procedures they wish–my objections will do nothing but confirm their allegations of “delusion”. They would be able to abuse me even more–and I couldn’t say a thing, because nobody would believe me. That’s what “delusional” does, that’s what forcibly committing an abused person does. That’s what abuse does.

That’s why CMU told them about my documenting the abuse. It’s why CMU called them in the first place, it’s why CMU told them to call my doctors and report me, to have me committed: “you see, she was a lying whore all along, we did nothing wrong, we aren’t responsible for what we did to her, we’re not responsible for continuing to harass and attempt to kill her”.

“But maybe they DO secretly believe you!!!”. No. Even were that true, you’d still be talking about people who are deliberately furthering my disability, deliberately abusing me, and doing it joyfully–having been told time and again they’re destroying me. People who laugh at the recommendations of my doctors, and do the exact opposite–then blame me when “things don’t improve”. You don’t beat a sick horse and expect it to win the triple crown. You don’t blame the sick horse for dying when you beat it and refused it help.

And those threats about how if this policy waiver came back denied or if I didn’t cooperate, then they’d screw me over further? They did that anyway. They’ve refused to pay for any of my dog’s vet bills and have refused me everything but food–and take pains to demean and begrudge me every time the necessity of food and shelter comes up, both of which they’ve denied me the ability to get elsewhere. I’ll tell you how they sabotaged my SNAP application later.

You heard them right right: “Get a job”, after being told by their own insurance up there that I can’t. Don’t be surprised that they justify not paying for anything else my dog needs because “I clearly don’t take care of her”–they won’t pay for her vet bills, she has accidents or is clearly in pain, and I’m the one blamed for causing it. Noticing a pattern yet?

Don’t forget about the mold toxicity here. It’s all over the house. You wouldn’t let a newborn baby live in this filth; my dog is suffering the same as that baby would. And they do not care. Mold all over the walls, filth all over the floor, carpets caked with filth so thick no vacuum can touch it. Doesn’t matter, it’s their house, and you already know they attack anyone who dares try clean anything–it’s their filth, you see, it’s worth far more and defended far better, valued much more, than my life ever has been.

Did you also hear in there how Mother Cunt admits she spends lavishly on herself, and she admits she does nothing all day but spend money? That she acknowledges all of that and viciously does not care about the discrepancy. She spit in my face, she was so pleased with herself about that. Did you hear her physically attacking me and then BLAME ME FOR DEFENDING MYSELF? This is what they do. You are at fault for their insane behavior. Textbook abuse.

It’s not about the money, either. You heard that in there too–she spends it all on herself. It’s not even about the little they do spend on me. Were it about money, I could trade the over $50 they spend every other week on bakery goods I didn’t ask for on things I actually need. But every time I try that trade, I’m called a greedy ungrateful bitch and made fun of for my weight. Their abusive control is so vicious that they won’t even allow me to spend less than they do. Yep, the only thing they’ll buy me is food, but I’m not allowed to refuse it, and they’ll turn around and make fun of me for having eaten it. I’m not allowed to do anything but eat, but they think it’s acceptable to both blame me for their refusal to allow me to do anything else and for foisting it on me. They blame me for not fitting into my clothes when they belittle me for refusing their “gift” of food–yea, they take away EVERYTHING if I refuse just one extraneous thing. Didn’t think it was possible to abuse people with food and “gifts”, did you?

I applied for SNAP so that I’d have some control over my own life. The application was also to prove that their whining about money was nothing but whining. It’s not money that’s the issue for them, it’s that they plain hate me and are flat abusive, that they will never change their behavior no matter what I do, that their destructive hoops they force me through are nothing but grandstanding and further abuse. They never have and never intend to help me, to keep any promises–unless it’s a promise to abuse.

First they belittled my application. Then they refused to provide the very simple requirements that would have both allowed me to partially support myself–which my fuckass parents claim they want me to do, but at every turn deny me (aka the abuse, grandstanding hoops, and deliberate sabotage)–and would have relieved them of paying for my food. They refused because it required that they document their abuse of me: that they refuse to provide *any* support. Not to mention that if I *was* given SNAP, they wouldn’t be able to abuse me as thoroughly any more, nor would they be able to deny how much they abuse me to other people.



Because they refused, my app was denied. I can’t protest the denial because “they’re abusive fucks” isn’t a recognized exception. And now they deny that they refused.

Now, these jackasses continue bitching about “how much they support me” while denying the fact that they don’t and that they’re the ones preventing me from getting support elsewhere. That they’re the ones making my condition worse, preventing any sort of recovery that I may be capable of, because they’re too wrapped up in believing I’m a greedy lazy whore to help the person they’re responsible for disabling.

As for their protestations that they believe me, that they’ve never called me a whore? Lol. They’ve got weekly bitching sessions with my grandparents about how much of a snotty lying whore I am, about how this is my fault because I won’t “forgive” people and how *I* am the one causing these problems because I insist on fighting the things they try to force on me, how I insist on being a victim, how I refuse to accept that this happening was good for me.

Screenshot 2015-10-14 at 04.47.58Screenshot 2015-10-14 at 04.48.19

My grandparents own half of the insurance policies on me. They got the same letter my parents did. This isn’t a one-off conversation.

They’re so entrenched in the righteousness of their behavior that they blame ME when I refuse to submit to their abuse: “don’t use that as an excuse”. I’m not allowed to say I won’t go visiting relatives who hate me, that I won’t go visiting people hours away because it’ll trap me with these assholes who’ll use the opportunity to abuse me. I’m not allowed to tell people anything about how I’m forced to live, which means I’m abused for “refusing to talk”; I’m not allowed to tell them I’m disabled, which means I’m abused for being a greedy lying whore. When I don’t go, they tell everyone that I hate them, further proving how abusive they are. But “don’t use that as an excuse”, as if that’s not a perfectly valid reason to say no. They hate me, and yet they claim that behavior I refuse to engage with is some “great relationship I’m missing out on”. They believe they have every right to act like this towards me–I deserved what happened, remember? Whores deserve what they asked for.

While we’re here, let’s explain the hilarious double standard of perfection I’m expected to fulfill. You’ve already seen how I can’t tell them no, how I can’t say one word against them, no matter how small–that’s not allowed and is met with immediate attempts to cut off my access to medical services, make fun of my PTSD, deliberately trigger it, and generally destroy what little safety I have. But they’re allowed to tell people I didn’t come see them because “I hate them”, they’re allowed to scream in my face and spit on me, they’re allowed to refuse to learn basic facts about my condition. They’re allowed to commit fraud. They’re allowed to further disable me and belittle me–but I can’t say a single word against them, not even a description of what is literally happening right in front of me. She’s not screaming and spitting in my face, she’s not acting like a cunt, she’s not abusing me, she’s not literally contradicting herself and the documented records she’s waving around–no, you mustn’t say such things. She doesn’t hate me, that’s not hate, her literally telling me to get the fuck out of HER house isn’t hate and abuse.

I’m disabled, but forgetting to remove the label off a can before putting it in the recycling ONCE is cause for starting a goddamn apocalypse–I’m a lazy asshole who never does anything right, I’m constantly causing problems, I constantly leave a mess for everyone else to clean up. And I’m only awake for 6 hours a day. This belittling goes on for half an hour, for one little thing. And if I don’t drop everything and attend to her every whim at that very second? I might as well have shit on the floor in public. Meanwhile, there’s a six foot long sprawl of dishes on the floor of the kitchen every day that sit there for weeks; the bathrooms only get cleaned once every three months or so; there’s literal filth on the floors; and did I mention the hoarding? The fact that she claims it takes SIX HOURS to shop, every day, for groceries for THREE PEOPLE??? The fact that the laundry never gets done for weeks at a time?

Remember, nobody can touch HER stuff–and everything is HERS, and HER stuff is everywhere. To try to clean is to touch her stuff, and to ALWAYS DO IT WRONG. There is never a time when someone else does anything right–because it’s never the way she would do it. She walks in on you trying to clean the filth? You’ve made a mess for her to clean, you stupid bitch, you’re such a selfish asshole you don’t know how anything works you’ve never done this that’s not how **I** do it how stupid can you be that doesn’t go there no you can’t do it in that order because I said so—.


We mustn’t talk about her filth. We mustn’t talk about her waste and selfishness. Not even when it causes injury, rats, disease, and mold. Not even when it’s sitting right there for everyone to see. Every repairman who’s been in the house has said this is a fire hazard, that it’s causing damage to the house. It’s been like this for over six years. Remember now, if I leave one thing out of place–even in my own room–it’s WW3 and I lose all basic life necessities, they threaten my dog. This filth? No, it’s not a problem, we can’t speak of it, it doesn’t cause problems, it will never be touched. The only time it was ever moved is because she wasn’t allowed to see her grandchild because of the hazard this trash posed. Or when she wanted a place to put the CHristmas tree. It is only ever moved when SHE is inconvenienced, never because of the filth and injury it causes to other people. We literally can’t use any of the downstairs and several rooms upstairs. There’s just foot-wide goat paths between the crud–you see it there. It’s constantly tripped over and in the way of basic functionality. It’s all over the garage, so much that it’s hard to pull the car in. Years of this. WW3 for a single wrapper left on the table and not immediately attended to, but WW3 if ever this is brought up.

And if you try to do anything to clean? There is no way to do a thing acceptably, because “their way” deliberately sets you up for failure. Their way of doing dishes slops water all over the floor and down your front, which gets me screamed at for being a sloppy careless stupid bitch who can’t ever do anything right; but it’s just an acceptable fact when mother cunt covers the floor in soap. If I leave a task unfinished to attend to something else that needs done first, I’m lazy and incompetent and never finish anything I start–and if I did finish it but left the other thing go, well I’m clearly a stupid jackass for not noticing there’s more important things that needed done first; if she leaves in the middle to watch six hours of television and finishes a week later, if she doesn’t think to check on the boiling stove while doing something else, if she misses a call because she left her phone in the house like she always does, that’s MY FAULT for not nagging her and policing her every move. If I nag her? Shut the fuck up you hateful whore, you never do anything around here, I KNOW WHAT I’M DOING, you’ve never worked a day in your life, you have no idea how the world works.

The nagging? She does that to me all the time, as if I’m a stupid toddler who can’t think to put pants on before leaving the house. Do you have your keys? Do you know how to get there? Do you have directions? Do you have your keys? Will you be safe? Do you have your phone? ON and on and on. But do to her the same thing she does to everyone else?–the person who actually needs to be nagged?–and she blows up, because she knows it’s demeaning and controlling. But she still fucking does it. It’s only wrong when it’s done to her, as is the case with all of her behavior. It’s never wrong when she does it, when she’s infinitely worse about it. It’s never wrong when every word out of her mouth is vicious–that tone and screeching is how she always talks, she isn’t capable of normal conversation. Reflect it right back? No, you deserve to die.

And don’t ever tell HER she’s done something wrong. Never. Don’t ever point out that when my parents do the same things that I’m horrifically abused for, their “error” isn’t even mentioned–or worse, it’s laughed off as something not worth remarking on. My basic needs are immediately taken away, what little safety I had is gone, but nothing they do is ever wrong, not even if I do the same thing they just laughed off.

I trip over her hoard multiple times a day? I have to navigate around the trash? Don’t dare say a word. She has to take one step around something of mine that’s in the way only because everywhere else to put is is full of her trash, I leave one letter on the table that’s already full of her trash? I’m a worthless whore who deserves to die.

And don’t ever touch the TV. Not when she’s locked herself in a room for half an hour, not when she’s left the house, not when she’s been outside for half an hour. Yes she left, but I should always know she’s coming right back even if she took the car and left. Never touch the tv, never turn it down or turn it off. She gets to cut you off, though, anytime she likes. She gets to have it on as loudly as she wants, up so high that she can hear it on the other side of the house on the other floor. But don’t you touch it. And yes, I do get screamed at for having left it on when I was never watching it after she’s “obviously” left, because I’m being wasteful, don’t you know. I should be able to divine the difference between “she left” and “she left”. Of course, it’s my fault that she left it on, I’m the wasteful one there, not her. All of her responsibilities are actually MINE.

Today I was called by *their* optometrist, telling me I was overdue for a checkup. They don’t even take my insurance, and I have never been there. They have my records because my interfering mother took mine from my own doctor back when their insurance changed, after I had already gone on medicaid. The bitch stole my records. After I hung up, she wanted to know why they’d called–she knew I had never been there. I told her, but that was a stupid mistake. Never think these people can have a normal conversation. Suddenly it went from “why are these people calling you, you’ve never been there” to “WHAT THE FUCK YES YOU HAVE BEEN THERE, THEY HAVE BEEN YOUR DOCTORS FOR YEARS, I DID NOTHING WRONG” and threats about how they’re going to stop supporting me–as if they ever supported me. As if they aren’t trying to kill both me and my dog.

In the middle of all thisshe hands me my records, which confirm everything I said–I was never there, my last exam was at my own doctor, I never bought anything from theirs, they switched after I had my own separate insurance–thus meaning that she took my records without my permission when I was already off their insurance. Everything I said was true, nothing she said was. Did that matter? No. Of course not. I’m the hateful bitch twisting everything she says and she’s a righteous angel delivering my comeuppance. No abuse here. And no, they refuse to pay for any of my medical stuff–that’s why they kicked me off the insurance to begin with. They treated my dog’s medical stuff the same way they treated me my whole life: denial, abuse, hatred. She died because of them, because of their mold and filth that IS STILL IN THE HOUSE and had been there for decades.

Oh, remember how I wasn’t getting any christmas presents? Yep, that happened. The one time a year I get anything, and instead of giving me the money like she OFFERED and said she would, she went and spent it because her need to have presents under the tree outweighed everything else. Her need to control me couldn’t give me that much. The lesson? Don’t try to be responsible, don’t wait for something worth spending money on, don’t wait for an opportune time like sales to get the most out of your resources–spend it all, all the time, recklessly, without thought, because not doing so means it gets taken away from you. Expect nothing because you will never get anything. This is how they raised their children, this is how they act themselves, and they want to claim I’M the problem. All that shopping she does for six hours a day, that isn’t groceries? This is what happens with no self control. They’re rich but we live like paupers because she’s too selfish to let other people have anything. My dog goes without vet care because she needed to buy $300 of trash she won’t even touch again after throwing it on the hoard.


2015-09-30 Comments off

CMU’s still at it. They’re sending in more abusers this time, and they still read my blog. This is video of the assholes from the fake crisis center refusing to leave. Mother dearest eventually tells them to go because she doesn’t like her abuse being filmed. Last two times the quacks were here, they told my abusers that there’s no such thing as PTSD, that I just needed to be “hurt” in order to snap out of it, and that “being on the streets” would do me good. That not having transportation to shelters wasn’t any excuse, that not having income to pay for food and meds was a “choice I’d have to make”. Lol.

Here’s my mother in the aftermath admitting it was CMU who called them over “that thing I posted the other day”, ie this.

I wonder, does CMU send a goon squad out after everyone who says something bad about them on the internet? Must be exhausting. Is it just me? Is it because they know they’re liable and need to shut me up?

Still enjoying the scandal, CMU? I complained to UPMC about your abuse. You can’t fuck with me anymore. How about you try crank calling 911 instead? Ah, but that’s a felony, while roping idiots into doing your dirty work for you “absolves” you of responsibility. I’ll send them the tapes if you try for the cops. Do you really want them coming after you, with four years of your trash to fuel it?

But we all know you’re going to kill me in the end, because that’s what this harassment and abuse is about. Too bad you didn’t manage that before you got tied to it. Brush up on your mobbing tactics. If you really cared, you wouldn’t have done that to me in the first place. And if you really cared, you’d fix the damage you’ve done, not make it worse.

All you gotta do is pay up the damage you’re causing me. Till then, I have literally nothing to do but talk about your abuse and die under it. You made sure of that.

Now go do something else monumentally stupid. I got my camera ready.

Addendum: What everyone has done here is a violation of HIPAA, among other egregious violations. Parents, for attempting to forcibly involve themselves; CMU, for forcibly involving themselves and for forcibly involving said abusive parents; UPMC’s “crisis” center, for trading information with said abusive parents who have no business being anywhere near me, and who–if you choose their belief that there actually was a medical emergency–also violated several federal laws for impersonating medical officials during a medical emergency and for not calling EMS, which is deliberate/criminal negligence. CMU gets a nod on that last one too, several times over. How’s that for a working list of lawsuits?

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2015-09-28 1 comment

As usual my “brother” started a fight with my “mother”. They fight all the time. Every other fight is about me, because that’s how abuse works–they start fights about other people so that they can shovel the nastiness elsewhere. It’s a normal event in this house. And as usual, this one was about fake outrage over things that don’t exist: whether I was “ruining their lives” by documenting their abuse here, and whether their names were here.

They just did it again. Listen how they alternately claim that it’s all lies, or that everything I talk about is just “personality differences”–which means everything I’ve said is true. Not to mention that they claim their names were on here.

It’s wrong, they say. Morally wrong. None of my business. This is how abusers justify themselves. “You’re endangering ME”, “you’re the abuser”. No wonder CMU likes them.

It’s none of my business that they abuse me. Lol. That’s the line every abuser tells their victim: It’s our little secret, nobody else would understand–I’ll kill you if you tell anyone.

Nope, no abuse here.

CMU must really enjoy scandals. They’re the ones who told my “family” that I was “lying” about them just like I “lied” about what happened at CMU.

Oh, I should add: I didn’t get my meds or my dog’s meds the last time this happened. This time, because of this fight over things that didn’t exist and that they invented, I don’t get anything for Christmas. No, not big fancy crap I don’t need, but stuff like a coat, like shoes to replace the ones that are falling apart–basic necessities denied by people who spend thousands of dollars a week on themselves, who have 50k to waste on hoarding LITERAL trash every year. These are 1%’ers who won’t buy their disabled daughter replacement shoes and a coat.

I haven’t gotten anything since my birthday because of things like this, and now I don’t even get Christmas for things I need. Lol. But remember, they don’t abuse me. It’s all in my head.

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Whore Business

2015-09-13 Comments off

Living with christian fundies would kill anyone. Often does when they get the idea they’re medical doctors or that they need to beat the sin out of you.

This is their latest. It’s been going on all day.

“We did not just say what we just said”, “we did say you’re not disabled when we said you can go work”, “we did not say you’re lying about it when we said you’re lying about being unable to work”, “we did not just say that we know better than the medical doctors when we said that they have no idea what they said to the government”

They think “the internet” is work. My god they’re fucking idiots. Remember when they said that me sitting on the internet was “doing nothing all day”? They can’t stick to one story because that ruins their ability to abuse me.

“Forgiveness”, like there’s anything I’ve done wrong–oh wait, I’m a whore and that’s why all this happened.

Tell the vets they need to forgive themselves for attacking the Afghanis. What leeches they are.

What these assholes are actually concerned about is that my disability means I’ll never move out. I’m so glad they’ve made clear that they want rid of me regardless of the damage it does me, because it’s quite obvious they support my suicide–they just won’t say it. Remember how they didn’t give a damn about how I carved “whore” the other week? It was all about their reputation. It still is.

What’s funny is that they were SO pissed when I wrote them out of all my legal stuff. “How dare you! That’s so stupid of you! You have no idea what you’re doing, now we can’t do anything!” You want to control me or you want me gone, pick one you sick fucks.

They’ve also independently decided that my doctors aren’t useful. Right alongside having bleated about me walking away from doctors “because I didn’t like them”. Apparently the only people allowed to make decisions in my life are these abusive assholes—obviously. Control is what abusers do.

They want me dead. They just don’t want it traced back to them. Lol.

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The Reality of Mental Illness

2015-09-08 Comments off

A lot of psychology textbooks claim that people with mental illnesses and symptoms, such as delusions, panic attacks, hallucinations, or dissociation, do not know they’re having those symptoms. It’s said that those things feel entirely real to the person having them, that there is no way they can tell the difference between the “true perceptions” and the false symptoms.

Boiled down, it’s the idea that people who are “crazy” don’t know they’re “crazy”.

Read more…

guess the theme yet?

2015-09-05 1 comment

in case the embed doesn’t work: 20150905-at-2037-on-abuse-by

Listen for the parts where they claim they’ve never tried to throw me out, just to immediately do exactly that seconds later. Where they claim I’m there by choice, as if death is a viable option–you’re better than death, what does that day about your treatment of me? But they’re to goddamn stupid to think that much.

Where they claim they don’t abuse me then go right off to trying to force me out, to trying to make me reiterate everything they’ve read here just so they can have the cruel pleasure of denying it again. Where they make sure I know that if ever I try to leave, they’ll run to everyone they know and slander me for the whore that I am until no one will speak to me–you know, until everyone else treats me like they do.

Becausepeople are too fucking stupid to tell the difference between children and property, let alone an ADULT  child they’ve destroyed so much they’ve forced her into dependency and then have the gall to blame her for it.

what kind of damage do you want to bet i have by tomorrow morning? will i still be alive? missing several pints of blood?

lol who cares

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